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Anonymous on 1/11/2013 3:16:36 AM:
I read some on-line reports from a few years back (2008 and 2009 as I recall) of some trouble on the trail. Riders attacked/robbed.

Has this nasty problem been taken care of?

Are there sections of the trail that those who ride it frequently avoid?

Thanks for any information.

BG from Charlotte, NC on 2/18/2013 7:39:05 PM:
Four of us rode in June of 2012 and had no problems. We rode to the end and back over three days (Fri-Sun). I too was concerned and researched the issue but it appeared to be isolated. When we rode we saw many people on the trail. Most everyone was riding with at least one companion.

Michael from Atlanta Ga on 9/4/2013 8:05:29 PM:
I have rode the entire trail from end to end about ten times and not once have I even felt a little bit threatened. Of course I am a male but overall this is a pretty safe trail. I am more concerned with bad weather (lightning) than I am of humans on the trail. The trouble on the trail in 2009 came about when we had the flooding rains that shut down sections of the trail due to erosion and trail damage. Seems like it brought out a bad element of people looking for thrills but I haven't heard of much since then.

Phillip Evans on 10/26/2014 6:33:24 PM:
This "nasty problem" will never be taken care of as long as evil people that want to hurt others have access to the trail.

The problem can be minimized to you personally IF you take care to provide yourself the means to repel such attacks.

My preference for that is an openly carried pistol with the mindset and ability to use it if the need arises.

If you're going to carry around something of such great value (your life), you might as well carry something to keep it from being taken from you.