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Sabine from Columbia, SC on 7/12/2013 9:14:56 AM:
Hi there,
I am planning to ride the Silver comet Trail this year. Are there any shuttle services available to make this a one way trip.
Or can somebody tell me how long it takes to ride the entire trail round trip in a comfortable speed not race speed?

Kyle Stanbro from Providence Forge on 11/25/2013 2:49:12 PM:
I have the opportunity to ride the trail the first week of Dec 2013 and have the same question. If I had another rider we could work a shuttle between us. Any info would be good

Amber Trantham from Alexandria, AL on 2/17/2014 8:21:48 AM:
My son and I are athletes but not bike riders. We biked both trails in a weekend. We live in Anniston. So I had my husband drop us off in Smyrna and we biked home. I pulled a trailer with our camping gear. I suggest riding Smyrna to mm 34 and camping at The Rock campground. Then biking Rockmart to Piedmont, AL and camping at chief Ladiga campground mm 7. That puts you at about 35 miles each day. If my 10 year old and me pulling a trailer can do it-anyone can!

Scott Brightwell from Anniston, AL on 5/23/2014 3:42:37 PM:
My wife and I own the Parker House Bed and Breakfast in Anniston.

We offer the service of picking you up at the trailhead in Anniston, and bringing you to the B&B overnight, putting you back on the trail the next day.

If you don't think you can do the entire trail in a day, my advise is to stay the night in Cedartown (and break it into 4 days), or put in at Cedartown (or nearby) and come to Anniston, and back the next day.

We've been open for two years, and are the only lodging in Anniston with a five-star rating on! Many of the reviewers were cyclists coming from Atlanta!!