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Scott Brightwell from Anniston, AL on 5/23/2014 3:48:14 PM:
The Parker House Bed and Breakfast would love to pick you up from the Anniston trailhead when you arrive and bring you to the B&B overnight. You'll be well taken care of, rested, and breakfasted and ready to hit the return trip the next morning.

If you're up for an adventure, we can help arrange mountain bike rentals, and shuttle you to Coldwater Mountain, the south's premiere IMBA built mountain bike trail system! Start the Silver Comet on Friday, and we'll pick you up. Bike Coldwater on Saturday, and we'll shuttle you there. Return on the Chief Ladiga on Sunday... if you think you're legs can handle it! Otherwise make it a day of rest, and return ride on Monday!

We've been open for two years, and are the only lodging in Anniston with a five-star rating on! Many of the reviewers were cyclists coming from Atlanta!!