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Reply to cedartown to rockmart -highway!?
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Patty from Memphis on 9/21/2014 6:52:51 PM:
my friend and i will be riding the CLT and the SCT starting on Oct 29. We will ride west to east and back. Do i understand correctly that the section between cedar town and rock mart is highway? not the trail? and.... very hilly? how busy is this highway, please? 12 miles of highway is a little bit disconcerting, to say the least. thanks

Anonymous on 9/21/2014 6:56:04 PM:
also, sorry. where would i be able to leave my car in anniston for 2 days ?

Donna F. from Enterprise, AL on 9/23/2014 11:05:04 AM:
It's been several years ago since my husband and I rode this trail, and I was not a regular cyclist. I had never cycled more than 15 miles at one time EVER. You will be on a trail the entire way, you will cross over roads, but I don't recall being on a highway at any point, beside a highway several times, but never on the highway always on a trail. The only area that's of major concern is between Grady Road and Cedar Town, it's about 6 miles. I actually had to walk up several hills and you're in a very remote area, you actually break away from the original rail trail and this is kind of a detour from society. Your cell phone won't work and there will be a few hills that you will wish you'd never met! If I were concerned, I'd try to somehow skip this section, but if you're not in a rush, do like I did and walk when you have to walk, jump on the bike, ride down the hills and go up as far as gravity will take you and then walk again if you have to! Completing the ride is an awesome feeling!!! I would certainly start in GA and end in AL. Enjoy your ride!

Donna F. from Enterprise, AL on 9/23/2014 11:11:14 AM:
There is a small park at the end of the trail, but I don't know about the parking rules there.....there's also a SONIC just down the road, possible they'd let you park there if you let them know what you're doing....??

Anonymous on 9/23/2014 8:19:49 PM:
thank you both for you input!!

TG from Douglasville, Ga. on 10/20/2014 10:53:48 AM:
We did this trail several years ago and unless it's been re-routed, we were on an actual road for a little bit. Not a major highway, but on back roads going through little neighborhoods. Somewhere between Rockmart and Cedartown. One section was very sketchy, though. Make sure you go through that part in the daylight. Have a great time and enjoy!

TG from Douglasville, Ga. on 10/20/2014 11:50:34 AM:
There is also a place where you are on the trail, but it's right next to a highway. That's in Rockmart. The other place is in Cedartown where you are on city streets for a little bit.