Scott from Jackson Michigan on 2/15/2021 12:17:58 AM:
When I biked the chief ladiga trail and silver comet, all of the signs read open from dawn until dusk.
However, most of both trails are marked with occasional signs that say: USBR (US bike route) 21 . Witch is a US highway designation for bikes. I was told by the polk county Police that the trail closes at dusk 7 days a week for recreational uses, but if you are using the trail as a transportation route, then you aren't breaking the law if you use it at night as long as you have lights on your bike and have a clear destination that is accessible or gets you closer as a result of riding the trail.
A lot of old US highways are being modified to accommodate bikes. For example, the US highway route 2 is designated as a USBR once you cross the Mackinaw bridge, and remains a bike route until Ironwood Michigan. A good 200 miles.