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Reply to Smyrna Bicycles in Smyrna
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Ben Johnson from Smyrna on 2/5/2024 2:35:08 PM:
My wife and I live in Smyrna and run on the trail several times a month. My wife was running on Saturday around 1:15 when she was struck by a cyclist from behind and ran over. She was about a mile west of your shop.
She never heard or saw the rider before impact. She was thrown face first on the trail and has several injuries. She has stitches above her eye and her face, ride shoulder, elbow, knee, ankle all are bruised and swollen. She will be out of work for several days.
The cyclist ended up running over her legs and skidded down the trail. He was a white male, wearing cycling apparel including a helmet. The witness stated that he was traveling over 20 miles an hour when she was hit.
Several people saw the incident and several stopped to help. Several witnesses said his face had some scratches from the fall. He wouldn’t share personal information and acted irritated that it had happened. He didn’t hang around after the incident. A gentleman helped my wife walk about a mile to the Floyd road parking lot where I rushed her to ER.
I’m trying to locate the cyclist that caused the incident. Can you recommend a couple of Bike Facebook pages or forums that I can post this information.
Feel free to share or post in your shop. My number is 7702940714.

JCG from Seattle, WA on 4/23/2024 6:09:00 PM:
This is not related to the above comment about the hit and run, but I wanted to throw some love out to Smyrna Bicycles.

At the end of our 2- day ride and just before setting off for our next destination, we noticed one of my husband’s spokes was broken and his wheel was wobbling. We called Smyrna at 5:00 (they close at 6) and they were able to get the bike in and fix the spoke for a reasonable price. Thanks for the friendly and efficient service!