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BJG from Greenville, SC on 2/10/2024 10:37:59 AM:
I am riding the Silver Comet for my first time. I rode Smyrna to Rambo and felt safe. I would prefer not to ride single I usually do. I am 76, female and ride an ebike. I would appreciate your thoughts on the safety of the trail.

Bruce E Coyle from Marietta on 2/14/2024 1:35:06 PM:
I have rode many times alone and have never had any encounters with trouble. You just road through the most urban part of the trail. The remaining is mostly Rual with a few towns. Save you battery for Mt Trashmore between Rockmart and Cedartown.
Good Luck

Travelpump from Rock Hill, SC on 2/28/2024 7:23:20 PM:
I am 70 and going to be doing the SC trail this spring. I always travel alone. I have an EBike and van and am hoping there are safe places to park along the way.I usually do 30-50 miles out and back each day. Any suggestions for places to park or camp are appreciated.

Bruce E Coyle from Marietta on 2/29/2024 11:13:50 AM:
There are many places to park and camp.
Some are camping areas are private. There are multiple parking areas all along the trail. Zoom in on the map above, it picks up more detail as you zoom in. There is a B&B between Rockmart and Cedartown. Motels in most towns are not far from the trail. A lot of the trail runs through State Park areas. West of Dallas you are in Paulding Forest WMA and free camping is allowed. East of Rockmart is a pay camp called The Rock. West of Rockmart is Camp Comet, free, near Don Williams Trail Head Parking. The B&B is also off this trail head.
Make sure your battery is charge up for the Rockmart to Cedartown ride over Mt. Trashmore as it has and 8-10% grade climb.

Into Alabama, east of Bordon Springs parking lot, you enter Pinhot Wilderness area and free camping is allowed. City of Piedmont allows free camping at their Sports Complex Park on the west side of town. Last camp (pay) is at the end in Anniston. Michael Tucker Park.

Bruce E Coyle from Marietta on 2/29/2024 11:19:34 AM:
I am willing to assist you and maybe ride a portion.
You can contact me at
Let me know some projected dates so I can mark my calender,