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Reply to Avoiding Steepest Hills
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John K. from Charlotte, NC on 9/15/2024 10:22:34 PM:

I am planning on taking a few days and riding as much of the trail as possible, starting in Smyrna, and ending Anniston. I ride a tandem bike with my special needs son, who weighs 200 pounds. We are fine on long, steady climbs, but steep hills are impossible to ride up, because he isn't able to help on the pedals. If it isn't too long of a climb, he will get off and walk with me while I push the bike. Looking at the elevation profile, it seems that the steepest climbs are about 5 miles past Rambo and then another one maybe 10 miles past Rockmart heading west. I know sometimes things in real life are a little different than on paper. I'm planning on having someone pick us up drive around the steepest parts and drop us off at a trailhead on the other side. I would like to keep the parts that we skip to a minimum. I would be interested in any ideas about where the steepest parts are and where we could get picked up and dropped off to avoid them. Thanks!

Bruce from Marietta, GA on 9/26/2024 7:44:50 AM:
Stepest climb: Mt. Trashmore, almost a mile +, of 6-8%.
Recomend pick up at Grady Road P.Lot about MP# 46.5
Drop off: Cedar town Depot P.Lot about MP# 51.7.

Click on the map (above set the MP# to start in Smyrna at "0".
You can zoom in to these locations and see more features around them.

The only other chalanging spots are the 278 rollers jest west of Rockmart.

Good Luck.