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Murderous stretch from Rockmart to Cedartown
 -  + I just finished riding the Silver Comet and Chief Ladiga Trails. I drove down from Washington DC to ride it. I had a wonderful time riding since the weather was slightly hot, but not overwhelmingly s...
Discussion started 09/15/2012 11:58 AM by RKM - 10 replies (last reply by anonymous at 09/27/2017 02:45 AM)
RKM from Silver Spring, MD on 09/15/2012 11:58 AM
I just finished riding the Silver Comet and Chief Ladiga Trails. I drove down from Washington DC to ride it. I had a wonderful time riding since the weather was slightly hot, but not overwhelmingly so and my daughter accompanied me as a sag wagon, should I need one. Thanks to not having any rain or bike breakdowns, I rode the entire stretch from Smyrna to Anniston.
The only challenge on the trip occurs between Rockmart and Cedartown where the blogs and websites warn of some hilly terrain that can be tiring. Let me correct that impression. These are reclaimed highways designed for Chevys and Fords for 12 miles. There are a dozen hills of at least 1/2 mile that are, without Lance Armstrong's steroids, impossible to climb on your bike. It took me 2 and 1/2 hours to go about 7 miles. I walked my bike up half the hills and rested for 20 minutes each at the top of three of them. No one anywhere warns you sufficiently about this stretch. This is a conspicuous and dangerous riding section that the fine people in Georgia tend simply to not say a thing about. I almost died on this stretch. After my heart attack a year ago, I was not ready for this challenge, and I emailed my relatives immediately to sue the state for their conspicuous avoidance of a sufficient warning of this dangerous stretch.
My guess is that most of you already know this section exists because in my 2 and 1/2 hours only two other riders passed me. I suspect those of you from the area simply ride west from Cedartown instead of east and those in Rockmart merely head east (only) to avoid it. But those of us coming from out of state are trapped by this section without warning.
Did anyone else out there suffer from these misleading messages that fail to warn anyone of what tremendous difficulty is involved in this stretch of road (it's not a trail)?

SRR from Marietta, GA on 09/24/2012 07:26 AM
An apt description of that stretch. The SCT is a meandering trail for the most part and is only of fairly moderate difficulty, however, and I have never made it a secret when telling others about it, that 12 miles, as noted above, is Difficult. Not for the big shot riders, of course, but for the average rider, which is about 98%, it's a test. Yes, many go west from Cedartown or east from Rockmart, that's the easier thing to do. I remember my travails the first time I did this stretch and while not walking I was certainly spinning. Also, this 12 miles is situated nearly in the 'middle' of the Anniston to Smyrna ride and is s big psychological hurdle for the average rider as they get nearer, and nearer, this stretch. It is enjoyable though, and makes the SCT more, er...'interesting'...:-)

Also, that stretch is out in the 'boondocks' so one will see relatively few riders along this area. I would always suggest a buddy if doing the full stretch from Symrna to Anniston, or simply through this 12 mile stretch.

David from Buford Ga on 09/30/2012 09:10 PM
Your description is the best of the Alps section of the SCT. We stopped to rest on one of the benches and scrawled by an obviously weary hand stated THIS PART SUX. Compared to most of the SCT how hilly is the Chief Ladiga trail.

Steve H from Pelham, AL on 11/01/2012 01:05 PM
The Chief Ladiga is flat, flat, flat. Since it is entirely an old railway, very slight grades here and there. Going east, you won't hit a real grade until you get to Cedartown. Planning on riding the SCT from Cedartown to Dallas this weekend. Your description makes me a little nervous.

renegadetenor from denver on 02/18/2013 10:12 PM
Though I have not ridden it, a person is responsible for knowing what kind of condition he is in, and besides those kind of hurdles are part of the adventure. Try riding across "flat" Nebraska, with an incessant headwind.

Richard C Beck from Conyers, GA on 12/24/2013 08:59 PM
The hilly portion is there as a detour because... that part of the old Silver Comet RR is still active with trains on it. So it's best to have a low gear of less than 36 gear inches(G.I.). See

Davo from Menlo on 12/28/2013 06:59 PM
As a 52 year old beginner, I expect the worst, and hope for flat ground. When I rode down the hill, I wondered why there was a bench half way down, I was wrong, the bench was half way up, for a reason. I made the ride without stopping until I reached the top. I rested with the 20 year olds who were tired also. If you wish only for flat ground, get a stationary bike.

Gene from Indiana on 02/14/2014 12:35 AM
You want flat ground, try riding the Cowboy Trail in northern Nebraska. ( You can ride from one county road to the next and it will show you what the whole trail is like. Warning: they have the Texas goathead sandburr and it is attracted to bicycle tires. It went through my Kevlar tires on my Burley trailer.

Ed skater from Sarasota on 04/28/2014 03:36 PM
Give me a break, sue because it was to hilly? I am 50 and road/walked it on my longboard skateboard in the 188 mile 3 day stage race that goes the whole length of the Chief Ladiga and the silver comit trail and back. Damn sue happy USA nothing should be a challenge/adventure. I say to you stay at home next time.

Radmann from Inwood , WV on 09/17/2017 06:15 PM
IF it took you 2 1/2 hours to go 7 miles due to the hill(s) then you might consider NOT riding at all and sticking to a gym or simply ride flat trails. The Washington & Old Dominion trail (in your area)has hills and dozens of crossings making it a challenge of sorts. I hate losing momentum while riding. I live in West Virginia where we have LOTS of hills.

Anonymous on 09/27/2017 02:45 AM
This I over Garbage Hill dumb ass. Dah go sue your own ignorant stupid ass for not researching data.

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Murderous stretch from Rockmart to Cedartown

 -  + hello. my buddy and I are planning to ride the CL and SC trail starting on oct 19 through the weekend we did this a few yrs ago. I am wondering if anybody knows if there was damage on the trai...
Discussion started 09/20/2017 05:13 PM by pk - 2 replies (last reply by bm at 09/25/2017 12:48 AM)
pk from Memphis on 09/20/2017 05:13 PM
hello. my buddy and I are planning to ride the CL and SC trail starting on oct 19 through the weekend we did this a few yrs ago. I am wondering if anybody knows if there was damage on the trail from Hurricane Irma? damage that hasn't been repaired or can not be repaired? thanks

JH from Orange Park, FL on 09/24/2017 03:08 PM
Hope you get some answers. I'd like to know too.

bm from Alpharetta on 09/25/2017 12:48 AM
There were no issues with the SCT trail from mile 0 to mile 52 (cedartown), and likely no problems that i've from that to the state line. As to CL, i wouldn't know. You can see where a number of trees fell down, but those have been cut up.

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Chief Ladiga/Anniston shuttle options
 -  + I really want to bike from Esom Hill trail head to the Chief Ladiga trailhead in Anniston, AL. I can handle 30 miles but don't think I would be able to make it back. I am curious if there are any Ub...
Discussion started 08/13/2017 06:49 PM by AgentOrange90 - 1 reply (last reply by new peddler at 08/24/2017 02:33 PM)
AgentOrange90 from Mableton, Ga on 08/13/2017 06:49 PM
I really want to bike from Esom Hill trail head to the Chief Ladiga trailhead in Anniston, AL. I can handle 30 miles but don't think I would be able to make it back. I am curious if there are any Uber options in Anniston where you can get a lift with your bike back to Esom Hill. I may drive out to Anniston and bike a bit of the trail out there; then scout out the taxi companies or other transportation options. I figure I may be able to find a local there and pay them gas & transport fee for lift back to Esom Hill.

new peddler on 08/24/2017 02:33 PM
Did you find a taxi service or uber driver?

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Chief Ladiga/Anniston shuttle options

Know of any 'scheduled' group rides on SCT ?
 -  + Does anyone know of any 'group' rides, which would be 'open to the public,' that are planned this spring or summer on the Silver Comet?
Discussion started 03/05/2017 11:30 AM by RJ - 4 replies (last reply by B M at 07/20/2017 07:20 PM)
RJ from Sugar Hill, GA on 03/05/2017 11:30 AM
Does anyone know of any 'group' rides, which would be 'open to the public,' that are planned this spring or summer on the Silver Comet?

BM from Alpharetta, GA on 03/28/2017 04:49 PM
Try and look for something called Silver Comet Trail Cycling. They started last fall; they had a few rides. Appears to be just regular riders and not the speed demons.

RJ on 03/28/2017 08:55 PM
Thank you BM ... found it & joined.

JA from Acworth on 04/09/2017 10:36 AM
No luck with meet up. Any other information pertaining to casual group rides? Don't enjoy riding solo.

B M from Alpharetta, GA on 07/20/2017 07:20 PM

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Know of any 'scheduled' group rides on SCT ?

Overnight trail head parking and camping
 -  + Hi all. I was planning an overnight trip in the next couple weeks starting at Camp Highland Rd in Smyrna near the Smyrna Bicycles. Is the little parking lot along the road a good place to leave a car ...
Discussion started 07/10/2017 10:25 AM by Dave - 0 replies
Dave from Slagle on 07/10/2017 10:25 AM
Hi all. I was planning an overnight trip in the next couple weeks starting at Camp Highland Rd in Smyrna near the Smyrna Bicycles. Is the little parking lot along the road a good place to leave a car overnight (relatively speaking)? It looks like it was probably built for the trail users. Also, has anyone stayed at the Chief Ladiga Campground in Piedmont AL? Was thinking about staying the night there, and heading back the next day. Appreciate any info you have. Thanks!

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Overnight trail head parking and camping

trail closures
 -  + Anyone know if there are any current trail closures on any part of the Silver Comet Trail?
Discussion started 06/29/2017 11:41 PM by Americamper - 0 replies
Americamper from Anniston on 06/29/2017 11:41 PM
Anyone know if there are any current trail closures on any part of the Silver Comet Trail?

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trail closures

Trail Trip
 -  + I plan to ride the trail from end to end , I have ridden the Silver Comet Trail from begining to Rockmart and back in 1 day, no hils at all, I see there are hills from the other side of Rockmart to Ce...
Discussion started 12/13/2016 06:26 PM by TM - 5 replies (last reply by Arvind Krishna at 06/25/2017 09:49 PM)
TM from Dalton GA on 12/13/2016 06:26 PM
I plan to ride the trail from end to end , I have ridden the Silver Comet Trail from begining to Rockmart and back in 1 day, no hils at all, I see there are hills from the other side of Rockmart to Cedartown, how hard are they? I will train before I make this ride to make but I want to make it in 12hrs. what do you think! P.S. I am not a professional rider.

jenny from chattanooga on 01/15/2017 08:09 PM
the hills are tough-- short but steep-- but they're only in a 4-5 mile segment with some flat areas in between hills. since it's on the trail, it's easy to pull over and catch your breath if needed. i'm a recreational rider and made it fine (but not without sweat and cursing)!

Deegie from Jefferson TX on 02/22/2017 01:47 PM
my husband and I did Smyrna to the line and back for 123 miles and were on the bikes 10 hours. trashmore mountain is a bad boy all right! I only cried once :) have fun! we are prepping to do a 2 days 200 mil out and back in the spring!

BM from Alpharettaa on 04/19/2017 08:48 PM
TM...are you still planning to do this this year? Alone? I'm training for it as well. Let me know and I'll send contact info.

Walter from Atlanta on 06/23/2017 09:23 PM
I rode the stretch from Rockmart to the Chief Ladiga trail head. I didn't think the Trashmore mt section was too terrible. I seem to remember it even had swtichbacks which made it easier. I seem to remember a huge downhill stretch after this that seemed to go on for a few miles. I have riden the entire trail and the Rockmart to Cedartown stretch to me is by far the best.

Arvind Krishna from Atlanta on 06/25/2017 09:49 PM
I plan to do it one-way - from Atlanta to Anniston. Is there any way to bring my bike back on any vehicle. I found that Amtrak in this route does not have the facility to carry the bike.

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Trail Trip

Maximum quad width on Silver Comet Trail
 -  + What is the maximum width of trikes or quads on the trail due to the bollards (posts) that keep cars off the trail? My wife & I are thinking about getting a side-by-side quad but fear it will not fit ...
Discussion started 05/22/2017 10:52 AM by JB - 0 replies
JB from Calhoun on 05/22/2017 10:52 AM
What is the maximum width of trikes or quads on the trail due to the bollards (posts) that keep cars off the trail? My wife & I are thinking about getting a side-by-side quad but fear it will not fit between the posts. Some of the quads range from 38 to 55 inches wide. Anybody know a good source for these? We've read about Rhoads Car, Quadracycle LLC, etc.
Thank you.

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Maximum quad width on Silver Comet Trail

Eubanks Welcome Center in Piedmont
 -  + Great place to start your ride from. Eddie and all the volunteers that staff the welcome center are very warm and friendly and offer a great place to stop if riding from another part of the trail. Ba...
Discussion started 04/09/2017 10:01 AM by Clarke33 - 1 reply (last reply by RJ at 04/09/2017 01:49 PM)
Clarke33 from Huntsville on 04/09/2017 10:01 AM
Great place to start your ride from. Eddie and all the volunteers that staff the welcome center are very warm and friendly and offer a great place to stop if riding from another part of the trail. Bathrooms outside and one inside that has a shower to use if you bring a towel. I ride the CL/SC every few weeks and highly recommend this stop.

RJ from Sugar Hill, GA on 04/09/2017 01:49 PM
Good info Clark. - Many thanks

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Eubanks Welcome Center in Piedmont

Smyrna to Anniston
 -  + Are any parts of the trail closed
Discussion started 03/29/2017 02:52 PM by Smyrna to Anniston - 0 replies
Smyrna to Anniston on 03/29/2017 02:52 PM
Are any parts of the trail closed

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Smyrna to Anniston

The Bricks on South Marble in Rockmart
 -  + According to Google Search this location is closed. The link on the page is NSF.
Discussion started 03/19/2017 08:00 PM by Rob - 0 replies
Rob from Knoxville, TN on 03/19/2017 08:00 PM
According to Google Search this location is closed. The link on the page is NSF.

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The Bricks on South Marble in Rockmart

lodging at Coots Lake
 -  + Does anyone know of lodging at Coots Lake Beach Trailhead
Discussion started 09/13/2016 08:57 PM by Suzy L - 2 replies (last reply by anonymous at 03/03/2017 08:35 PM)
Suzy L from Lagrange, GA on 09/13/2016 08:57 PM
Does anyone know of lodging at Coots Lake Beach Trailhead

Anonymous on 03/03/2017 04:39 PM
About 1 mile west of Coots Lake .....
A few miles further west is Rome ....

Anonymous on 03/03/2017 08:35 PM
My apologies ... I just posted that ' "Rome" was a few miles further west.' I had intended to say that "Rockmart" was few miles further west. Sorry for that error on my part. Thx.

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lodging at Coots Lake

Coot's Lake
 -  + Coot's Lake, One of many beautiful places along the Silver Comet trail. Another 3 miles to the East and you enter the Brushy Mtn. Tunnel.
Discussion started 02/22/2017 09:10 AM by Carol Maher - 0 replies
Carol Maher from Cartersville, GA on 02/22/2017 09:10 AM
Coot's Lake, One of many beautiful places along the Silver Comet trail. Another 3 miles to the East and you enter the Brushy Mtn. Tunnel.

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Coot's Lake

Where can I camp
 -  + looking for good spot near aniston
Discussion started 01/15/2017 11:14 AM by Andy - 0 replies
Andy on 01/15/2017 11:14 AM
looking for good spot near aniston

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Where can I camp

 -  + Great lunch available at Soli's Soups, Salads and Sandwiches. Try the chicken salad and pimento cheese. Short distance off the trail in downtown.
Discussion started 11/01/2016 07:37 PM - 0 replies
Anonymous on 11/01/2016 07:37 PM
Great lunch available at Soli's Soups, Salads and Sandwiches. Try the chicken salad and pimento cheese. Short distance off the trail in downtown.

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Disability access
 -  + Is a sub-50cc mobility-scooter allowed on the trail? Florida treats sub-50cc scooters similar to bicycles, in that they can drive on sidewalks and license plates are optional. Have read Georgia law ...
Discussion started 09/14/2016 09:16 PM by Respecthelect - 0 replies
Respecthelect from FL on 09/14/2016 09:16 PM
Is a sub-50cc mobility-scooter allowed on the trail? Florida treats sub-50cc scooters similar to bicycles, in that they can drive on sidewalks and license plates are optional. Have read Georgia law and it likewise treats sub-50cc scooters like bicycles - in their own separate category. Mine has Florida handicap plates (service-connected disability). Family is planning to bike the trail and I'd like to tag along, if it's allowed?

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Disability access

lodging at Don Williams
 -  + Does anyone know of lodging at Don Williams Trail Head?
Discussion started 09/13/2016 08:59 PM by Suzy L - 0 replies
Suzy L from Lagrange, GA on 09/13/2016 08:59 PM
Does anyone know of lodging at Don Williams Trail Head?

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lodging at Don Williams

hiking on the silver comet and lodging
 -  + Does anyone know of lodging close to the Florence Road Trailhead?
Discussion started 09/13/2016 08:55 PM by SuzyL - 0 replies
SuzyL from Lagrange on 09/13/2016 08:55 PM
Does anyone know of lodging close to the Florence Road Trailhead?

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hiking on the silver comet and lodging

Piedmont Trailhead / Eubanks Welcome Center in Piedmont
 -  + Piedmont is the best access point for the trail. After a long ride, you can shower and change clothes at the Eubanks Welcome Center before your drive home. What a plus. Thanks!!
Discussion started 08/07/2016 04:39 PM by MHG - 0 replies
MHG from BIRMINGHAM on 08/07/2016 04:39 PM
Piedmont is the best access point for the trail. After a long ride, you can shower and change clothes at the Eubanks Welcome Center before your drive home. What a plus. Thanks!!

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Piedmont Trailhead / Eubanks Welcome Center in Piedmont

 -  + Are there any nearby motels that will let us bring our bikes inside for the night?
Discussion started 07/04/2016 01:19 PM by Trudy - 2 replies (last reply by anonymous at 08/04/2016 01:43 PM)
Trudy on 07/04/2016 01:19 PM
Are there any nearby motels that will let us bring our bikes inside for the night?

Trevor on 07/04/2016 10:55 PM
Which town?

Anonymous on 08/04/2016 01:43 PM
We've stayed at many hotels from budget to 4-star and have never been told we couldn't take our bikes to the room.

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Frankie's Italian Restaurant in Rockmart
 -  + Unfortunately they closed last year.
Discussion started 07/30/2016 10:43 PM by Brett - 0 replies
Brett from Marietta, GA on 07/30/2016 10:43 PM
Unfortunately they closed last year.

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Frankie's Italian Restaurant in Rockmart

 -  + Can anyone suggest a hotel in Smyrna that is close to the trail or at least one you do not have to travel on a busy highway to reach?
Discussion started 06/12/2016 10:02 PM by Day - 0 replies
Day from Memphis on 06/12/2016 10:02 PM
Can anyone suggest a hotel in Smyrna that is close to the trail or at least one you do not have to travel on a busy highway to reach?

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Amtrak station in Atlanta/ hills
 -  + Does anyone know how close the Amtrak station in Atlanta is to the trail in Smyrna? Or any shuttles that could transport us? Want to ride from Smyrna to Anninston and take the train back to Atlanta. ...
Discussion started 04/05/2016 07:44 PM by Teresa - 2 replies (last reply by JonathanL at 06/07/2016 01:59 PM)
Teresa from Kearney, mo. on 04/05/2016 07:44 PM
Does anyone know how close the Amtrak station in Atlanta is to the trail in Smyrna? Or any shuttles that could transport us? Want to ride from Smyrna to Anninston and take the train back to Atlanta.
And I can't get a sense of this trail on hills. Is it hilly? Or just in a certain area?

Joy from Atlanta, Georgia on 05/15/2016 10:48 AM
Hi! The Amtrak station is located in Buckhead and about a 30 minute drive to the Silver comet trailhead. You might be able to get a taxi/uber. The trail is very flat because it was an old railway.

JonathanL from East Cobb, GA on 06/07/2016 01:59 PM
First, the Amtrak station is about 30 minutes drive from the Silver Comet Trailhead at Mavell Rd. You will, however, have issues because you cannot bring a bike on board at Anniston as they don't have baggage handling service at Anniston at this time. SO, your bike would have to fold down to be of carry-on size. Unfortunately, rail service WITH your bike is not feasible to/from Anniston. You could, however, do what I did and park your vehicle in Anniston and then ride Amtrak back the day or 2 before your ride.

Second, the trail is flat as it was built on a railbed. It does have slight (very slight) inclines and declines but nothing of note. There is, however, one VERY notable exception. The section from Grady Road to the Cedartown Depot (roughly 5-6 miles long) is very hilly. When you traverse this section, pay very close attention to the signs and markings on the trail. There is one downhill section that has a sharp curve at the end that will catch you off-guard if you are not careful.

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Amtrak station in Atlanta/ hills

shuttle from either end
 -  + My friend and I will be cycling the entire trail one-way Memorial Day weekend 2016 (2 days Sat. 28th /Sun 29nd),can start from either end ... seeking a shuttle if anyone knows of a service ... or some...
Discussion started 04/27/2016 03:48 PM by Mark Jones - 0 replies
Mark Jones from Knoxville, TN on 04/27/2016 03:48 PM
My friend and I will be cycling the entire trail one-way Memorial Day weekend 2016 (2 days Sat. 28th /Sun 29nd),can start from either end ... seeking a shuttle if anyone knows of a service ... or someone willing to exchange vehicles and drive/meet half-way on Sun.29th or Mon.(30th).

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shuttle from either end

Chief Ladiga closure in Jacksonville
 -  + A portion of the Chief Ladiga in Jacksonville is temporarily closed due to storm damage, details and photos:
Discussion started 02/26/2016 07:00 PM by Ray (webmaster) - 1 reply (last reply by Don at 03/13/2016 07:42 PM)
Ray (webmaster) on 02/26/2016 07:00 PM
A portion of the Chief Ladiga in Jacksonville is temporarily closed due to storm damage, details and photos:

Don from Fairfax, VA on 03/13/2016 07:42 PM
Is there a detour in effect that is easily followed, or do we need to have a map?

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Chief Ladiga closure in Jacksonville

Powder Springs
 -  + Please add Publix at Powder Springs shopping center to the services. It's right across the street from the trail entrance and is a great spot to stop for food, water or restrooms.

3721 New Mac...
Discussion started 02/23/2016 03:40 PM by Stephanie Hart - 0 replies
Stephanie Hart from Atlanta on 02/23/2016 03:40 PM
Please add Publix at Powder Springs shopping center to the services. It's right across the street from the trail entrance and is a great spot to stop for food, water or restrooms.

3721 New Macland Road
Powder Springs, GA 30127

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Powder Springs

Chief Ladiga Trail Campground in Piedmont
 -  + Do u have monthly rentals and if so how much?
Discussion started 11/09/2015 01:21 PM by Pam pittman - 0 replies
Pam pittman from Tampa fl on 11/09/2015 01:21 PM
Do u have monthly rentals and if so how much?

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Chief Ladiga Trail Campground in Piedmont

weather in november
 -  + looking at a mid-november out & back ride ... how's the weather, then ......
Discussion started 10/08/2015 10:01 AM by jersey joe - 0 replies
jersey joe from nj on 10/08/2015 10:01 AM
looking at a mid-november out & back ride ... how's the weather, then ......

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weather in november

Run the entire trail
 -  + I intend to run the entire trail (Silver Comet and Chief Ladiga) sometime in the next few months. As you have to be off the trail after dark, this will probably be a 2-3 day run. I'll be running alo...
Discussion started 10/05/2015 09:06 PM by Danni - 0 replies
Danni from Atlanta on 10/05/2015 09:06 PM
I intend to run the entire trail (Silver Comet and Chief Ladiga) sometime in the next few months. As you have to be off the trail after dark, this will probably be a 2-3 day run. I'll be running alone - so the proverbial question: is there a safety issue? I'm a not very intimidating male.

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Run the entire trail

how long does it take to ride the trail?
 -  + A friend and I are looking to bike the trail from Smyrna to Anniston, and I'm wondering about how long it takes? We're not pro bikers or anything, but pretty athletic, so assuming an decent comfortabl...
Discussion started 06/15/2015 10:59 PM by dw - 2 replies (last reply by Sir Randall at 10/03/2015 10:55 PM)
dw from Atlanta on 06/15/2015 10:59 PM
A friend and I are looking to bike the trail from Smyrna to Anniston, and I'm wondering about how long it takes? We're not pro bikers or anything, but pretty athletic, so assuming an decent comfortable pace around how long will we be on the trail?

Jtan21 on 08/15/2015 09:32 PM
Myself and a group are riding this in October, just wondering if you had a answer to the question?

Sir Randall from Fort Lauderdale, Fl on 10/03/2015 10:55 PM
I rode Smyrna to Rockmart and back in May for 84 total miles. Riding time was 5.5 hours and elapsed time was 6.5 hours. I generally ride 15-20 mph so figure maybe 8-10 hours depending on how many stops you take. I will be riding the whole trail again at the end of October.

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how long does it take to ride the trail?

Lamont Motel in Piedmont
 -  + From everything I can find -- this motel is permanently closed?
Discussion started 10/01/2015 07:58 PM - 0 replies
Anonymous on 10/01/2015 07:58 PM
From everything I can find -- this motel is permanently closed?

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Lamont Motel in Piedmont

Powder Springs
 -  + BONESHAKER BICYCLES should be listed next to the comet trail by the Florence road trail head.
3401 Florence circle suit 300
Powder Springs GA 30127
Discussion started 09/06/2015 06:01 PM by JB - 1 reply (last reply by Ray (webmaster) at 09/07/2015 08:37 AM)
JB from Dallas on 09/06/2015 06:01 PM
BONESHAKER BICYCLES should be listed next to the comet trail by the Florence road trail head.
3401 Florence circle suit 300
Powder Springs GA 30127
Tue-Fri 11 am - 6:30 pm
Sat 10 am - 4 pm
Sun 10 am - 3 pm

Ray (webmaster) on 09/07/2015 08:37 AM
Thanks for the heads-up. I have added Boneshaker to the Powder Springs page.
Happy trails!

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Powder Springs

Hiram Trailhead in Hiram
 -  + CYCOLOGY BIKE SHOP should be listed near this trailhead. It's just minutes from the trailhead in the Paulding Exchange shopping center at
4484 Jimmy Lee Smith Parkway
Hiram, GA 30141
P: 678...
Discussion started 08/18/2015 12:57 PM by TG - 1 reply (last reply by Ray (webmaster) at 08/21/2015 09:26 PM)
TG from Douglasville on 08/18/2015 12:57 PM
CYCOLOGY BIKE SHOP should be listed near this trailhead. It's just minutes from the trailhead in the Paulding Exchange shopping center at
4484 Jimmy Lee Smith Parkway
Hiram, GA 30141
P: 678-909-2472
Tue-Fri 11 am - 6 pm
Sat 10 am - 5 pm - Sun 1 pm - 5 pm

Ray (webmaster) on 08/21/2015 09:26 PM
Thank you for the heads-up; I have added Cycology to the Hiram page.

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Hiram Trailhead in Hiram

Van Wert Trailhead in Rockmart
 -  + The water fountain no longer works at the Van Wert Trailhead.
Discussion started 08/18/2015 12:43 PM by TG - 0 replies
TG from Douglasville on 08/18/2015 12:43 PM
The water fountain no longer works at the Van Wert Trailhead.

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Van Wert Trailhead in Rockmart

Overnight stays
 -  + Does anyone know of a lodge or vacation home rental that would sleep 4 couples close to the trail. We wanted to avoid hotels and some of our group does not want to camp.
Discussion started 08/16/2015 08:59 AM by Dale - 0 replies
Dale from Huntsville, AL on 08/16/2015 08:59 AM
Does anyone know of a lodge or vacation home rental that would sleep 4 couples close to the trail. We wanted to avoid hotels and some of our group does not want to camp.

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Overnight stays

The Rock RV Park and Campground in Rockmart
 -  + This Campground is actually at mile marker 34. From Smyrna to Rockmart take the McDowell Road exit off the trail just past mile marker 34 and Coot's Lake. The road dead ends into the campground and i...
Discussion started 02/17/2014 07:47 AM by Amber Trantham - 1 reply (last reply by The Beautiful Rock Campground, RV, and Music Park at 08/11/2015 09:11 AM)
Amber Trantham from Alexandria, AL on 02/17/2014 07:47 AM
This Campground is actually at mile marker 34. From Smyrna to Rockmart take the McDowell Road exit off the trail just past mile marker 34 and Coot's Lake. The road dead ends into the campground and is just 300 yards off the trail. There is also a cheap motel across the street called Polk motel. But the campground was nice. The people were friendly. And the cost was just $15 a night. There is no camp store but you can get just about anything you need at the gas station at Coot's Lake less than a mile up the trail.

The Beautiful Rock Campground, RV, and Music Park from Rockmart on 08/11/2015 09:11 AM
We were so glad to have you! We hope that you come back and stay with us again!

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The Rock RV Park and Campground in Rockmart

Any organized 'easy' GROUP rides?
 -  + Anyone know of any regularly scheduled easy to moderate group rides on The Silver Comet, preferably on the eastern side ??? Thanks.
Discussion started 08/07/2015 08:36 AM by BikePacker - 0 replies
BikePacker on 08/07/2015 08:36 AM
Anyone know of any regularly scheduled easy to moderate group rides on The Silver Comet, preferably on the eastern side ??? Thanks.

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Any organized 'easy' GROUP rides?

Overnight Parking
 -  + Is overnight parking at any of the eastern trailheads available? safe?
Discussion started 07/26/2015 09:20 PM by Manscout - 1 reply (last reply by anonymous at 07/27/2015 03:38 PM)
Manscout on 07/26/2015 09:20 PM
Is overnight parking at any of the eastern trailheads available? safe?

Anonymous on 07/27/2015 03:38 PM
Here is a 'Parking' spot that I know is safe; however, it is maybe too far to the west of "east" for you .... as it is just east of Rockmart; plus, it would cost you $15 or so per day. It is a well run campground called The Rock that has been in business for years. If you chose to inquire with them you will probably find that Lydia is your point of contact, and John is the owner. Here is the webside with the "Contact" page:
They are available by phone, as well, however, I have found that Lydia is even more responsive by email.
Best wishes on good Silver Comet fun :- ).

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Overnight Parking

 -  + is it safe to run the trail or is it only for bikes?
Discussion started 07/21/2015 05:20 PM by phil - 1 reply (last reply by anonymous at 07/25/2015 01:45 PM)
phil from mcdonough on 07/21/2015 05:20 PM
is it safe to run the trail or is it only for bikes?

Anonymous on 07/25/2015 01:45 PM
GREAT for running, biking, skating, walking and ever just settin'-a-spell-'n-watching all the above fun times.... :-).

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Riding and staying on the trail.
 -  + My 13 year old son along with me and my 21 year old nephew just completed a three day 172 mile trip along the trail. Other than being extremely hot we had a blast. We parked in Jacksonville at the o...
Discussion started 07/19/2015 06:02 AM by Al Barnett - 0 replies
Al Barnett from Childersburg, Alabama on 07/19/2015 06:02 AM
My 13 year old son along with me and my 21 year old nephew just completed a three day 172 mile trip along the trail. Other than being extremely hot we had a blast. We parked in Jacksonville at the old train depot on Thursday morning. We were on mountain bikes which are not great for speed on the trail. We had lunch at a local place called Knuckle Heads in Rockmart. Good atmosphere and the food was good. The ride up to the Brushy Mountain tunnel was a gradual incline the entire way. We spent the night in the Sleep Inn and Suites in Hiram. Very easy access to the trail. Lots of good restaurants within an easy walk of the hotel. The next morning my 13 year old slept while me and my nephew rode on to Smyrna. This was a very easy 28 mile round trip. Back to the hotel for naps and dinner. We were back I. The trail at 6:30 am. Hiram to Rockmart was fast and easy. Of course Rockmart to Cedartown is no joke. The heat index got as high as 112. We had lunch in Piedmont at the Solid Rock Cafe. Excellent food. We got there about 2:30. 76 miles total and we got to Jacksonville about 4:39. Great trip, but I want to go in the fall to see the fall colors.

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Riding and staying on the trail.

2 Day Bike Ride-Silver Comet and Chief Ladiga
 -  + We have started a new SAG business down the Silver Comet and Chief Ladiga Trail every Wednesday and Thursday rotating between Georgia and Alabama. We would love for you all to join us! Our website a...
Discussion started 08/14/2011 08:11 PM by Southern Express SAG - 2 replies (last reply by endo at 06/25/2015 06:47 PM)
Southern Express SAG from Jonesboro on 08/14/2011 08:11 PM
We have started a new SAG business down the Silver Comet and Chief Ladiga Trail every Wednesday and Thursday rotating between Georgia and Alabama. We would love for you all to join us! Our website address is

Winston and Tammy

camille from Alpharetta, GA on 08/27/2012 11:02 AM
We loved the 2 day bike ride with you all and hope to get the word out as much as possible. It was just a blast with the new friends we made and perfect weather. This is the perfect weekend and we were so well taken care of, and I would even use the word pampered :) The Hampton Inn hotel was brand new, cozy beds, and great outdoor pool. The dinner was delicious complete with a shuttle to the place. Great breakfast on Sunday and the ride back was so fun. We will be doing this again very soon. Thanks to Tammy and husband, and Winston and Heather.

endo from lady lake, fl on 06/25/2015 06:47 PM
contact info of SAG please

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2 Day Bike Ride-Silver Comet and Chief Ladiga

Saturday Group Rides
 -  + Anyone interested in starting a no drop Saturday morning group ride from the Silver Comet Depot?
Discussion started 06/10/2015 10:07 AM by Eric B - 0 replies
Eric B from Vinings on 06/10/2015 10:07 AM
Anyone interested in starting a no drop Saturday morning group ride from the Silver Comet Depot?

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Saturday Group Rides

Powder Springs
 -  + Do police bike patrol the Silver Comet Trail?
Discussion started 05/17/2015 09:33 AM by Steinmeyer - 1 reply (last reply by GCG at 06/06/2015 05:48 AM)
Steinmeyer from Augusta on 05/17/2015 09:33 AM
Do police bike patrol the Silver Comet Trail?

GCG from Lilburn on 06/06/2015 05:48 AM
Yes. There is a patrol car half the width of the trail that makes rounds. I've seen it primarily between Hiram and Rockmart, but never beyond that point.

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Powder Springs

Parking overnight in Rockmart
 -  + My wife and I plan to ride from Rockmart to Anniston, spend the night at a B&B and ride back the next day. I am wondering where I can safely leave my car overnight in Rockmart. Safe from both thieves ...
Discussion started 06/01/2015 07:30 PM by Steve - 0 replies
Steve from Snellville on 06/01/2015 07:30 PM
My wife and I plan to ride from Rockmart to Anniston, spend the night at a B&B and ride back the next day. I am wondering where I can safely leave my car overnight in Rockmart. Safe from both thieves and tow trucks.

Does anyone have suggestions on where to park?

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Parking overnight in Rockmart

lodging in cedartown
 -  + i am wondering if anyone has had experience staying at motels other than the holiday inn express in cedar town? there are no rooms available there on the nights we need. there is the country heart...
Discussion started 05/24/2015 08:30 AM by Patty - 0 replies
Patty from Memphis on 05/24/2015 08:30 AM
i am wondering if anyone has had experience staying at motels other than the holiday inn express in cedar town? there are no rooms available there on the nights we need. there is the country hearth inn? and another one of which i can't remember the name.

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lodging in cedartown

Ragsdale Inn in Dallas
 -  + The Inn is approximately 1.2 miles from the trailer when you use the Tara Drummond Trail Head.
Discussion started 05/18/2015 09:18 PM by Jackie Crum - 0 replies
Jackie Crum from Memphis Tn on 05/18/2015 09:18 PM
The Inn is approximately 1.2 miles from the trailer when you use the Tara Drummond Trail Head.

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Ragsdale Inn in Dallas

End to End Ride
 -  + My riding buddy and I will be riding the SCT and Chief Ladiga trails (round trip) in early May. We'll have an overnight stay in AL.

Neither of us have ridden it before and have no idea about...
Discussion started 12/26/2014 05:05 PM by Relic - 3 replies (last reply by anonymous at 05/17/2015 09:05 AM)
Relic from Savannah GA on 12/26/2014 05:05 PM
My riding buddy and I will be riding the SCT and Chief Ladiga trails (round trip) in early May. We'll have an overnight stay in AL.

Neither of us have ridden it before and have no idea about motel/hotel accommodations or eating places in AL. Would appreciate any hints/help anyone can give.

I am also a little concerned about the hills (I'm 80 years old)....are there several "notable" hills on the trails? If so, where?

Would appreciate any "lessons learned" if you are willing to share them with us.


Gregory Forrester from glasgow, mt on 01/10/2015 08:12 AM
I have ridden the Chief Lagida/Silver Comet Trail several times. There are some steep hills between Cedartown and Rockmart. The steepest hill are from Cedartown to about 5 miles to the east. There is also a steep hill on the west side of Rockmart. A few of these hills are steep enough the many people have to walk their bikes up the hill. The rest of the trail is either flat or has gradual climbs and descents. The hotel that I have recently stayed at on the Alabama side is the Hampton Inn in Jacksonville. I had a good stay there in March 2014.

Ariel from Cedartown, GA on 05/04/2015 03:55 PM
The Eubanks Welcome Center has a website that lists the motels on the Chief Ladiga.

Anonymous on 05/17/2015 09:05 AM
I'd park in the middle and ride to one end and back on day one and then ride to the other end and back on day two. Nothing close to the trail in Alabama as far as I can tell. Rockmart Econolodge is not far from the trail and fairly centrally located and Rockmart is a better place to RON (remain over night) compared to Cedartown, IMHO.

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End to End Ride

Chief Ladiga/Silver Comet
 -  + Rode Chief Ladiga/Silver Comet 5/13-14/2015. Started at Anniston; overnight in Rockmart/Econolodge; ended in Smyrna. Beautiful. Honeysuckle smells all the way; scenic; no flats or other issues. Th...
Discussion started 05/17/2015 09:01 AM - 0 replies
Anonymous from PBG, FL on 05/17/2015 09:01 AM
Rode Chief Ladiga/Silver Comet 5/13-14/2015. Started at Anniston; overnight in Rockmart/Econolodge; ended in Smyrna. Beautiful. Honeysuckle smells all the way; scenic; no flats or other issues. The 'hills' between Cedartown and Rockmart at just rollers; short and steep with the operative word being short. 400 yards max but you MUST be in your lowest gear and hammer (maybe stand up) to get up....I was on a road bike (52/39 in front) and 12/25 in real issues; my buddy on a hybrid missed a shift and wound up walking twice but only for a hundred yards or so....enjoy the ride. Pirkles Deli is the best place for lunch in Cedartown but they close at 3. Econolodge is hidden past McDonalds and behind AutoZone on 268 but you can get there thru the parking lots and avoid the highway. Enjoy and ride safe!

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Chief Ladiga/Silver Comet

Amenities in Silver Comet
 -  + Would love to see development of coffee houses and restaurants along the Silver Comet trail. We like to do some leisurely biking and it would be great to be able to stop for breakfast, lunch or dinne...
Discussion started 05/10/2015 08:20 AM by VEG - 1 reply (last reply by Buck at 05/13/2015 10:32 AM)
VEG from Vinings, Ga on 05/10/2015 08:20 AM
Would love to see development of coffee houses and restaurants along the Silver Comet trail. We like to do some leisurely biking and it would be great to be able to stop for breakfast, lunch or dinner along the way. We recently took some guests biking but missed bring able to take a break on a patio or terrace.

Buck from Powder Springs on 05/13/2015 10:32 AM
The Silver Comet is a great opportunity to get out in nature. And you want to clog it up with development? Why don't you just go walk or bike around your nearest mega-shopping mall?

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Amenities in Silver Comet

 -  + what is the trail surface?
Discussion started 03/14/2015 05:05 PM by Lindsey - 2 replies (last reply by Ariel Schabert at 05/04/2015 03:52 PM)
Lindsey from Phila on 03/14/2015 05:05 PM
what is the trail surface?

Chris from Hazel Green, AL on 03/16/2015 10:02 AM
From what I've read, the entire trail is asphalt/cement/paved.

I haven't riden it from the state line over to Atlanta, but the entire AL side is paved.

Ariel Schabert from Cedartown, GA on 05/04/2015 03:52 PM
The entire trail is paved.

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May 2-3, 2015 Chief Ladiga & Silver Comet Review
 -  + Rode the entire distance of both trails this past weekend.

Saturday - Anniston, AL to Smyrna, GA

The trail for the entire length is in great condition. There are portions east of the sta...
Discussion started 05/04/2015 08:40 AM by Chris - 0 replies
Chris from Hazel Green, AL on 05/04/2015 08:40 AM
Rode the entire distance of both trails this past weekend.

Saturday - Anniston, AL to Smyrna, GA

The trail for the entire length is in great condition. There are portions east of the state line on Silver Comet that were littered with some tree debris, such as branches and pine cones. Also, there's a few sections in GA that had standing water on the trail. Other than those items, I have zero complaints.

With respect to the elevation & difficulty of the ride, there's a couple serious climbs east of Cedartown, GA that are challenging, if you're not an experienced rider. Heading east out of Rockmart, there's a 6 mile gradual climb up to Brushy Mountain Railroad Tunnel. It's not steep, but it's long.

Between Piedmont and Cedartown, the trail is very remote with no chances to refill a water bottle or purchase food. Be fully stocked with plenty of both if the intention is to traverse that section.

I saw LOTS of wildlife that included rabbits, a couple small snakes, cows and dogs. These were all ON THE TRAIL! Not only did I have my firearm with me for protection, I also carried pepper spray in the event I had a run in with a not-so-nice dog (or any other animal). Fortunately, I didn't have to use either items.

Sunday's return trip was good. I think the climbs east of Cedartown and much more difficult traveling East to West. One of the climbs near the trash dump rewards riders with a fantastic view of the countryside looking north. Take a moment and enjoy the scenery.

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May 2-3, 2015 Chief Ladiga & Silver Comet Review

 -  + is there a shuttle that will transport you and you bike from either end of the trail to the other?
Discussion started 03/14/2015 04:59 PM by Nancy - 1 reply (last reply by EdMc at 04/12/2015 03:03 PM)
Nancy from PA on 03/14/2015 04:59 PM
is there a shuttle that will transport you and you bike from either end of the trail to the other?

EdMc on 04/12/2015 03:03 PM
I found a resource on craigslist that will drive me and a biking buddy from Smyrna back to Cedartown for $150; not cheap but it appears there are not many options at all. Another option we are evaluating is to stay in Cedartown and ride to Anniston and back one day and then to Smyrna and back on day two; makes for long days but avoids needing lots of logistics support. Even with two cars there would be lots of shuttling back and forth...another form of hassle. I'll be curious what you do since I'm riding in June after BRAG.

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CLT/SCT Trip in April 2015
 -  + Riding both trails from west to east and back on a Saturday/Sunday in mid to late April. I'm an avid cyclist, but not hardcore. Average pace will probably be in the 14-16mph range. I will be staying a...
Discussion started 02/23/2015 11:16 AM by Chris - 0 replies
Chris from Hazel Green, AL on 02/23/2015 11:16 AM
Riding both trails from west to east and back on a Saturday/Sunday in mid to late April. I'm an avid cyclist, but not hardcore. Average pace will probably be in the 14-16mph range. I will be staying at a friends' house in Marietta Saturday night. Wouldn't mind a companion for the trip, one way or the other, or both.

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CLT/SCT Trip in April 2015

 -  + Please add Cycology Bike Shop as the only bike shop near this trail head. The Chain Station has been closed for a few years now.
Visit or email me for more info.
Discussion started 02/14/2015 04:53 PM by Ira Hochberg - 0 replies
Ira Hochberg on 02/14/2015 04:53 PM
Please add Cycology Bike Shop as the only bike shop near this trail head. The Chain Station has been closed for a few years now.
Visit or email me for more info.

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 -  + Several of us (at least 2, maybe 3 or 4) plan to ride Chief Ladiga/Silver Comet following BRAG in June. If we stay in Cedartown, does anyone know of a resource that can drop us off in Alabama Sunday ...
Discussion started 02/03/2015 01:56 PM by EdMc - 0 replies
EdMc on 02/03/2015 01:56 PM
Several of us (at least 2, maybe 3 or 4) plan to ride Chief Ladiga/Silver Comet following BRAG in June. If we stay in Cedartown, does anyone know of a resource that can drop us off in Alabama Sunday morning and/or pick us up at Smyrna on Monday afternoon?
Taxi probably doesn't work since we'll have bikes....

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Woman beaten on Silver Comet Trail in summer
 -  + was out of town for several mths. but heard the horrible story about the woman who was beaten severely on the silver comet trail. have they caught the jerk who did that yet?
Discussion started 11/06/2014 11:50 AM by JawjaJim - 0 replies
JawjaJim from Cumming on 11/06/2014 11:50 AM
was out of town for several mths. but heard the horrible story about the woman who was beaten severely on the silver comet trail. have they caught the jerk who did that yet?

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